Clear the Distractions and Make Way for Financial Progress

Family photo 2021 Aug - crop.jpg

Happy September Everyone,

I hope you’re keeping well! It is with great pleasure that I share with you that in August my husband and I welcomed a baby girl, Dorothy, into our family. Big brother Hank is adjusting well and so are we.

Dorothy is named after my grandmother Dorothy Marshall who turned 99 in August and is a little famous herself... she’s actually met the Queen! Check it out in this incredible piece the Globe and Mail put together on her a few years ago.

My message today is about family and focus, something my Grandmother has taught me so much about.

Having a few weeks to really reflect on what matters most to me and my students, it’s about moving forward this Fall by removing distractions. The benefits of focus are better financial skills, being present at home, and at work. 

Distractions come in many shapes and sizes, and one thing is for certain... the more distracted you are, the less progress you’ll make financially, personally, and professionally. Also, financial research shows that distracted people simply have less money.

Try a few of these tips to remove distractions and clear the way for greater abundance for the rest of this year.

  • Comb through your budget and remove costs that cause distractions. For example, are you subscribed to too many streaming services, or fitness apps that are preventing you from focusing on your family or your health?

  • Do you have way too many accounts that it’s hard to keep track of your finances on a weekly basis? Cut these down to just one daily banking, and two savings accounts.

  • Are you taking in investment advice from far too many sources — human advisors, articles, your neighbour.. Narrow to just the trusted professionals in your life, and to less than five sources.

  • Is your home or office is cluttered to the point where you can’t find what you need at a moment’s notice? Declutter and purge. This can be a great way to raise a bit of money, too.

  • Reduce the number of projects you’ve got going on. In my house we have a white board on the fridge, and we write our family’s three top priorities for the year on there... that’s right — we only have three. Baby Dorothy was one of those three for 2021. The other two are completing our home renovation, and growing our family’s income. Fewer projects will allow you to focus.

  • Fire your toxic friends. The best relationships will be shared with people who want to support you in becoming your best self financially, personally, and professionally. If someone is dragging you down, say goodbye, and focus your energy on healthy relationships.

For me, reducing distractions has become exceptionally important as I strive to balance my growing family, and business, as well as find time to care for my whole self — emotionally and physically. It’s also one of the core life principles that my grandmother taught me early in my life. To this day she’s a pro at the art of focus.

If you’re wanting renewed energy for the later portion of the year, focus on what matters most, by clearing distractions that are causing you to take your eye off your goals.

Be well and stay in touch!


Always, if you have a question, don’t hesitate to send it my way at


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