Ease your spending this summer
Summer is in full swing. Heatwaves are a regular occurrence with home and office air conditioners running over time. The hot humid days of summer are also time to enjoy the outdoors while you soak in the sun. Invitations to various summer events from friends and family members who think you have a money tree growing in your backyard, keep inviting you to this and that party. Managing your finances in the summer can get really expensive if you do not have a game plan in place. Your bank account may be shrinking on a weekly basis from you accepting all of your social invitations. As a result, you may even be struggling to keep up with saving your hard earned cash. To be honest, you are not alone. Many Canadians spend more than they plan to this time of year.So enough of being frustrated with your lack of savings and time for results! You can create a plan to get on the right path towards spending within your means. Impossible right? No not really. All it takes is some money management and you will be good to go! Here are some tips to help you save your money:My house is your houseSkip the pub patio and bring the patio to your home! You can invite some friends and encourage them to bring their own beer. Among your friends, you can alternate who can host the next get together. Show me the discountWhy pay full price when you do not have to? Many amusement parks, museums, zoos and other popular attractions offer discount days. This is awesome news especially if you plan to visit a variety of attractions over the summer. Freebees pleaseBelieve it or not, you can never be bored this summer season. There are a variety of free festivals, street parties and events for your family and friends. The options are endless for you. Get ahead of the game by going to the website of your local city to find out what’s free in your city or town. You’re welcome!Your credit card is not your best friendIf the majority of your everyday purchases are on your credit card and you carry a balance from month to month, it is time to get downright serious with your debt management strategy. You can achieve this by adopting a cash only lifestyle. When you live by cash and not credit, your credit card bill will be easier to manage. When you use your credit card on an infrequent basis, you may even be able to pay off your credit card balance off every month!Although summer is tempting you to cheat on your finances, you can do one better by learning how to keep your summer time spending at bay. It may be difficult at first however with practice you will be able to save your money and spend less. Article by Consolidated Credit - www.consolidatedcredit.ca