5 Physical Fitness Behaviours that Apply to Your Finances


Coaching people with their money is something I love to do. That's why I built a business around the concept. But, until just a few years ago I'd also taught high intensity fitness classes every week for many years. Though my motivation to teach fitness started with me thinking that if I was going to go to the gym, I might as well get paid, I don't need the money. I'm hyped on fitness because it is a natural extension of the behaviours that keep rich people really rich. So, by working on my fitness, I'm indirectly working on my financial skills too.


The toughest part of getting rich or fit is getting started. That's why financially and physically fit people make time in their calendar, and in their lifestyle, to work on their skills each day. Some log their daily spending into a budget tracker and hit the gym. Others make sure they read the headlines in the personal finance section of the newspaper and take the stairs versus the elevator. The key is ensuring that you are aware of your financial and physical choices each day. That way it becomes a habit that has legit staying power.

Push Yourself

Once you treat your financial and physical fitness as a habit, you need to challenge yourself to achieve new goals. For me, I've been working my way up to purchasing another investment property while adding more pounds to my weight set at the gym. Both actions are a stretch, but unless I continue to reach higher, I won't achieve the next level in my net worth and fitness training. Your finances and muscles need to be pushed or else your performance will plateau.


A bigger wallet and tighter waistline definitely boosts confidence and that will cause you to push yourself even harder. Just be mindful that overconfidence can be a real turn-off when it turns into bragging. Be proud and turn your confidence into encouragement for others.

Your Tribe

There are many personal finance and investment meetups (now virtual) as well as fitness clubs and classes. When you start honing your skills, you will broaden your community because you'll start attracting similar people who are on a similar journey. These are the members of your tribe. They'll make the adventure towards financial and physical fitness fun and a heck of a lot less lonely.


Physical and financial health don't just happen to you. It requires work every single day. So, even if you're not on some hyper-active weight-loss or spending pull-back program, doing something to improve in both of these areas will help keep you fit. 


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