Five Steps to Keep Your Financial Plan Alive


We don’t want you to fall off the financial planning wagon so follow these tips:

  1. Put a reminder in your calendar. Every quarter your friendly reminder will pop-up and this gives you the chance to review your plan, see where you stand and course correct for the next quarter.

  2. Put the document to work. The document is ‘live,’ and while this doesn’t mean you should change your goals to adjust to your situation, USE the document to track your goals and progress. Reflecting on your goals gives you a sense of self-awareness for your current financial state, the progress you have made and where you are going.

  3. Digitize your plan so that it is easily accessible. For example, save it on your computer desktop or use an online storage system like Google Drive or Dropbox. This allows you to share it easily with your partner as well.

  4. Give yourself time to accomplish your goals. Schedule time in your calendar to complete the financial tasks that will lead to your financial goals. For example, schedule 20 min each Saturday morning to review your budget. Giving yourself time to focus on these tasks is a gift and you won’t be bothered by the time-suck of other items.

  5. Get an accountability partner. Whether it’s your Money Coach, financial planner, your partner in life or a family member, asking someone to keep you accountable to your goals can lead to massive financial success. By sharing your goals with someone you trust, they can become a cheerleader for your financial planning success. And, if you end up going astray from your goals they will be there to support you getting back on track.

Keep your financial plan alive so that leaky roofs, fence repairs, parental leave and a dip in the market won't throw you off course.


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